1. Introduction
This paper studies the evolution of Internet Email as a stock and assesses the opportunities and challenges that face such web-based service products. The goal of this study is to apply the generic stock supervision concepts and critique their applicability to the world of internet. The stock shall be evaluated in the backdrop of internet email provided by 3 major providers - Yahoo! mail, Gmail and Microsoft Live Hotmail.
As a transportation medium, internet email today, is an requisite part of daily routines of many a human. The penetration of email is nearly as high as the penetration of the internet - as it remains the most important and most commonly used application on the internet. Despite being a free stock that is largely taken for granted by its users, it continues to evolve with more innovative features being made available through major providers. When email was first introduced in 1972, there were no customers demanding the functionality; it addressed a latent need to communicate. In subsequent years, the features were driven by a composition of "need" and "technology advances".
Email is now widely used for valid and personal communications (some countries allow emails as evidence by law). One cannot fantasize a enterprise card without an email address! More importantly, it enables any innovative marketing strategies as it offers a cheap medium to "reach" existing and inherent customers. On the darker side, it is riddled with issues like spam, viruses, phishing, privacy invasion and security.
2. Evolution of Internet Email
The earliest messaging theory used in Mit since 1965 were Mailbox and Sndmsg which were used to send user-to-user messages in the same box. Ray Tomlinson[1] is credited with inventing email in 1972, when he first used the symbol "@" to address communications to other computers - this is regarded widely the arrival of emails. By 1974, there were hundreds of forces users of email on Arpanet. The first requisite leap was made when the Smtp (Simple Mail replacement Protocol) came into being - it was a pretty naïve protocol with no mechanism to authenticate the sender; however, this is still being used with some modifications. Even today, some of the original issues continue to be exploited by spammers and virus writers.
In 1993, large network service providers America Online and Delphi started to associate their proprietary email systems to the Internet, beginning the large scale adoption of Internet email as a global standard[2]. As the World Wide Web gained momentum and the need to entrance emails from everywhere in the world arose, email began to be offered by web services providers like Yahoo! and Hotmail. While first email systems charged users on a per miniature basis on a dial-up connection; the arrival of internet email roughly simultaneously brought about free availability.
Hotmail, founded by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith in 1996, was one of the earliest internet based email provider. By 1997, Hotmail had become so popular that clubs like Yahoo, Aol and Microsoft were vying to buy it out. Yahoo! and Aol could not afford the valuation that Sabeer Bhatia demanded for selling. He also rejected 0 Million and 0 Million offers from Microsoft after ultimately settling for 0 Million in early 1998. Hotmail then became Msn Hotmail and now called Windows Live Hotmail. It had over 270 million users worldwide as of 2008[3].
Interestingly, Yahoo!, which was a web-based enterprise and verily needed to be in the enterprise of internet email, paid only Million to acquire Rocketmail. It needed to act speedily as Hotmail was adding thousands of users per week and gaining user-base speedily was critical. It went on to re-brand Rocketmail and launched it as Yahoo! Mail in late 1997. It included prime email services (Yahoo1 Mail Plus) which had increased warehouse limits on the server, enhanced protection features, archiving of emails, relaxation from ads, more attachments etc.
In 2004, Google entered the arena roughly disruptively by providing a much larger email warehouse space, good User Interface and faster access. Google's entry prompted Yahoo! Mail and Msn Live Hotmail to jack up their offerings and match most of Gmail benefits. The string of innovations that followed Google's entry benefited the end-user a great deal - for example, all providers now supply very large email warehouse (virtually unlimited) for free. The following graph represents the latest shop share of the 3 biggies in the internet email space in Us. Google is any way the fastest growing.
The key to long term inherent of the stock in terms of generating revenues is to gain shop share - quickly. As citizen use the stock more and more, they get "stuck" to the product. Though mail standards supply for compatibility in the middle of distinct email providers, to the extent that emails can be exchanged and deciphered, they do not allow for easy replacement of all old/archived emails to another provider. The bottom-line is that it is difficult to get users to migrate to a new victualer unless there are clear benefits in the new victualer or serious pain-points that it provably eliminates.
Yahoo and Windows Live Hotmail, both being the early-birds in this arena, gained the first-mover benefit that still yields benefits. Both of these earn a requisite portion of their revenues from paid memberships for their prime email products (as indicated in the table above). The installation of this enterprise model was to squeeze the warehouse quota for free users and force them to upgrade to prime when warehouse limit is reached. Google, on the other hand, re-wrote the ground rules. It is generating its revenues through scanning the email article and pushing extremely targeted ads to the user based on article analytics. Google's force comes from its hunt capability and intellectual property that includes patents pertaining to serving targeted ads based on contents (Adsense). As of today, Gmail's wage generation appears stronger than that of Yahoo! mail and Windows Live Mail. Google is able to overcome (as indicated by the growth of Gmail's user base) its late mover disadvantage by providing innovative slick features and good ads targeting. However, Yahoo mail and Hotmail continue to have the benefit of much larger active user base and are "technically" in a good position than Gmail to exploit the enterprise model adopted by Gmail - as a larger user-base would mean more responses to ads. This is a space to watch out for - we believe both these clubs have the wherewithal to adopt the article based targeting model and give Gmail a run for their money. Until recently, they were using demographics of users (age, country, hobbies... Etc. That the user specified at the time of creating the account) to display ads and this method results in inappropriate targeting important to poor click-through rates.
An standard fact in the trade is that while users are the source of revenue, they ordinarily treat advertisements nearby their email as annoyance. The internet email enterprise thus needs to assault a balance in the middle of displaying annoying advertisements and providing a good user-experience. Gmail leads the pack in this respect - their advertisements on email are very subtle text messages that produce lease annoyance to the users. Ymail and Hotmail have banner ads and the screen space is cluttered important to less than optimal user-experience. However, through good article analysis, Gmail is able to show more relevant ads to the end-users and thus utter the wage potential. The flip side of good targeting is breach of privacy and users who are concerned about this shy away from Gmail.
Mail monetization in hereafter is destined to go the "ads" way; hypothesize - shop shares will eventually stabilize when there are no more new users and the feature disparity has minimized. From thereon, the more relevant the ads, the more the wage potential! Advertising will become coarse place and innovation will be required to do good than the competition. clubs may adopt a revenue-sharing model with users to make ads more and more personalized - for example, when a user sends a message to another user, an advertisement "item" may be embedded in the message in such a way that it is personally relevant to the recipient. Then if the recipient clicks on the embedded advertisement, the sender gets to share a portion of the ad-revenue for that click. Innovation in this field is bound to open many pathways and the cumulative grey-matter assets in the big-three will continue to find tantalizing mechanisms to create revenues through free-web-mail products.
5. Key Features
This section first lists some webmail exact peculiarities which feature the product's intrinsic characteristics and help understand the nature and context of the study. Then we list some of the most important features that providers offer in their stock and then comment on how these features have contributed to the uncut success.
5.1. Peculiarities of Internet Email
This section studies some of the unique characteristics of internet email as a stock that either restrain or propel its growth and adoption.
Standards and Scale induced inertia: The most basic email transportation format in the middle of servers is the Smtp - which is straightforward and elegant, but not verily extendible. Any drastic changes to the protocol would mean that all distinct email systems in the world will have to update their code/product - this is virtually impossible given the penetration of email. If due attention is not given to this problem and a change to the core is attempted, thousands of servers will start rejecting requests and stir up the entire user community. This problem has miniature the evolution of some of the core standards as a consequent of which certain protection issues exist - e.g. Emails can verily be faked, spam invasion is pervasive as the original protocol does not keep sender authentication etc. In hereafter too, it is unlikely that the core standards will be altered to fix the problem. Thus, it is the responsibility of the stock to bring in more innovation to solve the aforesaid problems within the constraints imposed by the scale of installations and usage.
Network Effect: If a user's calendar is on Yahoo mail and email is on Gmail, then the strangeness of managing the two separately generates a gravitational pull that will cause the user to move to only one victualer for both the needs. Also, since it is easier to collaborate with friends using a coarse product, if most of my friends are on Gmail, I will have to create a Gmail account. This is the hypothesize why speedily construction up scale was very important to all players.
Privacy concerns: Google has been criticized for parsing user-personal data even if it is only for ad-targeting the same user. any privacy proponents believe that Google knows too much about their personal life. Google counters such claim on the discussion that the personal data is not associated with a user Id when targeting and that the facts collected is anonymized before it is used. They also claim that the scan is automated, data is consumed in real-time (not stored everywhere or passed to the external world) and that the emails are not seen by any human. Despite privacy concerns Gmail is rapidly gaining shop share. Due to the nature of its business, Yahoo! does not have the same leverage as Google in this aspect. Since Yahoo! is essentially a portal that serves discrete needs of its users (including chats, news, weather, real estate, sports, blogs, pictures, financials etc.), the privacy concerns from Yahoo! adopting Gmails email scanning technology verbatim are imaginable to be much higher. Yahoo! servers store lot more personal data of users than do Google's server. Possibly for this reason, Yahoo! does not yet scan emails for targeting. (Note that all email service victualer scan emails for viruses and other mal-ware - this is not the same as scanning for ad-targeting).
In normal privacy concerns also depend on geography - customers in Europe for example are lot more concerned about breach of privacy than Us customers. In a observe done in Uk it was found that 40% British believe that free email compromises their privacy[6] and another 40% were unaware that their emails are being scanned. On the other side of the spectrum, a majority of citizen in India are unmindful. For the stock to successfully monetize user personal data in future, on a sustainable basis, due attention to privacy must be given so as not to breach the imperceptible line of user alienation. This threshold is positioned differently for each competitor - generating a source of sustainable competitive benefit (in this case, for Google).
Free: The stock can no longer be envisioned without free availability to end-users. Providing the service for free allows the providers to slack on any stringent terms of service requirements. For example, no victualer gives the certify that when a user deletes an email, the actual data article of that email will be deleted for ever - it is thus inherent for "someone (may be government agencies)", to acquire data that the user thinks has been deleted.
Some providers continue to payment for prime accounts; however, studies show this is a declining trend. For small to medium enterprise customers however, a prime can continued to be charged for providing good service, protection and customized experience.
Terms and Conditions: A very important aspect of free services is that their terms and conditions do not specify whatever that holds them responsible for protecting user data. The service is based on "best effort to recover" and "as-is and as-available" philosophy. Most readers do not read such lengthy terms and conditions and signup by clicking the "Accept" button when prompted. They do not comprehend that the place where they store so much of their personal and important facts is not fool-proof - when things go wrong, the providers shall have no liability. In fact, it is not uncommon for emails to not reach there destination; a web-mail user sometimes finds this out the hard way but can do nothing about it.
Security: Most users are not aware that the facts they send on email, by default, is not encrypted and can be sniffed during transit. Gmail provides a straightforward mechanism to encrypt all email messages during transit - however, only the most sophisticated users are aware of this service. In terms of other protection measures, virus scanning and filtering for spam is commonplace. Spam continues to be an annoyance to users and providers - it seems like everybody has learnt to live with spam.
Also, webmail providers have not been able to comprise phishing (the custom of fooling users into clicking a link and directing them to double sites of banks etc., in order to acquire their passwords). Moreover, new viruses that exploit unknown vulnerabilities, ride on Html and JavaScript and other industrialized technologies to infect end-user computers. There has been only miniature success in averting such dangers.
Data-migration: No victualer gives its users the installation to migrate all emails and other contents (like calendar) to any other provider. The intention is for the data to be sticky. citizen do not consideration this subtle mechanism to keep users. However, this hardly restricts a user from creating an inventory with a competitor - just that the user uses both accounts simultaneously.
5.2. Features that drive adoption and success
In this section we couple on some features that have had the most work on on success of a webmail product.
Languages Supported: Given the geographical spread and reach of the internet, it is imperative that providers keep local languages and all the webmail providers have keep for complicated languages.
Security and protection: Spam filtering, virus scanning, password protection etc. Are services that every victualer gives. In addition, Google disables ".exe" files (executables) from being sent as attachments.
Integrated touch for users: Users look for one-stop shop for meeting all their online needs - in this respect webmail providers are keen on providing services like search, chat, photo-sharing, connections, contacts, calendar etc. From a single entry point. Users are also keen on reading their emails from mobile devices and other entrance mechanisms. To keep user-affiliations thus, webmail providers look for discrete ways to couple there services and supply consistent interface.
Unlimited free storage: Most users do not use more than a few hundred Megabytes of warehouse over any years of using email. However, this feature has become a "hit" among webmail providers from a marketing perspective.
Browser compatibility: Most webmail features are designed to work with internet explorer as it is the most widely used browser that comes by default with Windows Operating System. However, many users prefer using other browsers (FireFox, Opera, Safari etc.) on Linux and Mac systems. Webmail features thus have to be compatible with all of these browsers - often this becomes an imposing challenge.
Low-bandwidth version: To enable dial-up association users and mobile users to entrance emails through their slow connections, webmail providers need to supply an alternative low-bandwidth interface that is devoid of fancy features.
Spell-check, Dictionary, Folder/Label based mail club abilities, auto-forwarding etc. Are other coarse features over the board.
6. Competition and Differentiation
While innovation is the key driver to create differentiation, unless there is a sustainable competitive benefit in the backend technology, it is not inherent to utter a sustainable lead over competitors. The hypothesize is straightforward - all descriptive features can be verily copied. Thus, the source of competitive benefit has to lie in intellectual property (patents) and research background that others cannot replicate without infringing. competitive benefit in the web services domain can have a multiplier consequent as well. Google's lead in core hunt and AdSense technology provides it with a head-start in many of its other products, including Gmail. For example, Google pays Oems (Original tool Manufacturers) like Dell and Hp lots of money to make Google hunt and Gmail as the default applications that come bundled with hardware. Now, this is a competitive benefit that Yahoo and Microsoft will find hard to beat. Because of anti-trust regulations, Microsoft, despite virtually owning the entire Operating Systems market, cannot bundle its technologies with the Windows Operating System.
Google Possibly lost some of its technology benefit (of article based targeting) when they launched Gmail Beta in 2004, by restricting new user inventory creation through the means of introduction only. This impeded Gmail's adoption rate and also gave an chance for its rivals to take a peek at its stock which in turn enabled a quick response aimed at achieving feature parity. Google could have rolled out Gmail with the objective of on-boarding 50-100 Million users in the first 6 months[7], thus taking Ymail and Hotmail by surprise. However, this might have been a well-thought-out strategy by Google. As discussed earlier, construction a large user-base speedily is requisite in the long run to succeed. Google made a buzz in the shop place and was quick to jump on to marketing Gmail with an offer of 1Gb warehouse space, unheard of at that point in time. Riding on the success of its hunt technology and aided by its financial strength, it started construction on publicity while lasting to test the backend and fixing the scalability problem in the background.
Yahoo! was quick in responding to the Gmail threat - they speedily acquired Oddpost[8] and using their technology, launched a fairly flourishing desktop-like interface on the Yahoo! mail web interface. Both these competitors also responded to large warehouse space provided by Google - Yahoo! now provides unlimited warehouse on its free accounts and Hotmail provides 5 Gb, pretty much matching and surpassing Google's offer.
Hotmail includes some additional services that are not offered by the other webmail services. It contains Audio Player where you can play the audio clips and voicemails. However, this hasn't verily resulted in any requisite buzz in the market. The hypothesize is because the synergies in the middle of a mail stock and audio software verily are not cool sufficient to get users excited. The chapter here is that innovation cannot be allowed to run wild in this domain - to create something that is distinct from the competitors and gains universal acceptability is a non-trivial challenge that stock managers need to have high on their agenda.
Another tantalizing aspect of Google's strategy has been to symbolically signal the culture of continued innovation in their stock by displaying a important "Beta!" image right at the top. The message is that there is more to come and so users are excited all the time about what next! This strategy is also found in Google maps!
Gmail offers a desktop client that uses the email theory to allow users to store files in Gmail servers but makes them appear on user desktops as a drive-mapped device. So when a user shop a file in this drive, the client sends an email automatically with this document as an attachment. However, this client did not take off a great deal - not all that Google does have to be a great success after all!
Gmail also differentiates form others by presenting a unique conversation view - as opposed to other competitors who display each message as a isolate entity. This enables users to consequent a conversation in a logical manner without having to hunt or produce mails on the same topic. This differentiation was one of the main success points of Google, though some users continue to prefer the older model.
Gmail offers Pop3 entrance for free - while other payment for it! - a consequence of Gmail strategy of accepting losses on email while lasting to gain shop share.
Yahoo also differentiates its stock from others by contribution a unique desktop like view for its emails. Users can move their email by dragging and dropping them into folders. Many users naturally love this view, but it hasn't resulted in a big tide going Yahoo's way, given that Gmail has the prestige of good hunt and faster access.
7. Marketing Strategies
Viral Marketing
The challenge of marketing a web-based stock is centered on grabbing a share in the spectrum of people's attention. Since everybody who has entrance to internet can be a publisher, it becomes very difficult to stand out in the crowd, when everybody is keen on development noise and getting noticed. In this environment Hotmail's "Viral Marketing" arrival helped it gain subscribers at an splendid pace - in the first 1.5 years, it signed up over 12 Million subscribers. To achieve this growth, all it spent on marketing was 0, 000. Hotmail added a message "Get your free email at Hotmail" with every message sent by an existing user. This message served as an advertisement and indicated a subtle endorsement from the sender. The receiver signed up on reading the "free email" offer and automatically became a sales agent for Hotmail's subsequent subscriptions.
New domain
As user Ids are rapidly taken away by an ever-increasing user-base, it becomes difficult for users to find unique Ids that they would want to associate with their names. citizen soon find that any composition of name that they try is already taken up by someone else. Users ideally prefer to acquire an Id that is as close as inherent to their real name and straightforward to remember. Yahoo recently introduced new domain names to counter this problem - ymail.com and rocketmail.com - this is a very forward seeing strategy to gain even more users for its email service.
8. stock supervision Challenges for Next-Gen Internet Email
Challenge 1: Creating stock Synergies over the stock portfolio.
Internet emails as a standalone stock are destined for failure. Users prefer that they go to a single website where they can navigate through all that they would want entrance to - their emails, chat window, documents, calendar, contacts, news etc. One stock needs to feed into customer acquisition strategy for another stock such that both help gain on user engagement. This is good for the service providers as well because they can acquire more relevant behavioral targeting data if all activities of a user happen through a single entry point. Yahoo!, which is essentially a web portal for all user engagement, has the competitive edge in this regard. By integrating their chat client (gtalk) with Gmail, Google attempted to growth the time a user spends at Gmail and thus gain the capability to show more ads - both in relevance and numbers. Yahoo! recently followed the same strategy by integrating messenger with Ymail!
Challenge 2: Should ad-targeting be made voluntary?
We propose that it can be a composition of voluntary as well as non-voluntary. In expanding to contribution paid or prime accounts, email providers can supply good user touch and extra space if someone volunteers for the ad. This way, the targeting can be good and it can create more revenues for the providers. From the user perspective, by allowing ads, she is getting good services and probably good deals in terms of ads.
Challenge 3: How to serve most relevant and most unobtrusive ads? How to deal with Ad Blindness
As discussed above, ads all the time need not be unobtrusive, if there is consent from the users. Email providers should work on models where there is consent for the ads. Notwithstanding this, good trust with customers to have more relevant data and probably by having a isolate menu for ads with proper categorization within email accounts would be helpful. Here the basic installation is that customers do need facts and with expanding internet penetration, online facts has become more important. If facts is provided in a proper way, in the "pull" format, rather than "push" format, it may be good targeted and beneficial for all the stakeholders; consumer, providers and advertisers.
Challenge 4: Emails can be a liability - managing them is becoming increasingly more involved as enterprise requisite decisions and discussions are captured and archived. Managing such huge accumulation of data is becoming increasingly involved and costly: This is now a given requirement. If there is no reliability in the service, it could be catastrophic for the provider. In fact by highlighting the enterprise continuity capability, email providers can create more trust in the customers. This continuity can be in terms of availability, getting archived data on demand.
Challenge 5: To supply or not to supply Email backup/archiving service: This is debatable as by providing this service, one of the switching barriers would be removed. citizen can shift from one victualer to another much easily. Of-course like mobile number, email address is also very personal and would still remain as main switching barrier.
Challenge 6: Survival in the world of twitter and other messaging mechanisms?
We believe that such servicers are not substitutes but rather complementary services. Email providers should evaluate how to couple with such mechanisms to supply synergies to users. The main idea should be to growth traffic and subscribers to its service.
Challenge 7: 10% of all emails is spam: We believe that it is part and parcel of the technology and the cost of remedy would be much detrimental to the growth of email than to keep it unaddressed. It is like noise in any transportation and with time, users would be able to automatically filter them out. Of course, the current spam detection mechanisms can be improved to sacrifice this so called "menace" rather than trying to eliminate it totally.
Challenge 8: A vision beyond email?
The stock boss needs to repetitively ask the basic demand -
"Email is only a tool to solve an intrinsic need of the users. What is the real problem? What is the real need?"
A re-look at the real problem from a new perspective might end up throwing totally distinct perspective. The real problem is probably that the users need to communicate, to collaborate with other users in the system. And transportation itself is not the end goal - there are distinct types of reasons to need a communication. For example, a transportation could be to pass on an urgent message that needs immediate action; or a transportation could be to start a lengthy discussion on a single topic that needs to be recorded as well; or a transportation could just be a casual update or a rant; a transportation could be intended for a single user - incommunicable and secure; or a transportation could be intended for broadcast. The demand to ask is - does email in its current form solve all of these problems? Does it make sense to build isolate products that solve distinct problems - or does it make sense to build an integrated stock that attempts to solve most problems from a single interface?
Google is attempting to respond some of the above questions through its new Beta stock called Google wave (announced as recently as in May 2009)! It integrates any user needs - chat, email, collaboration, games, documents, dictionary etc. It is much more than an email stock - it is meant to be a collaboration tool, much more than what an email offers! Also it is real-time - if you update a document at your desk, your friend will be able to see it in real-time from a remote location. It also allows for users to roll back in time and get a play-back of sequences of events. These features are very distinct from whatever that is available on the web and we believe Google and the industry is on another inflexion point with Google Wave.
Apple Mac mini MC408LL/A Snow Leopard Server Review
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List Price : $999.00
Price : $999.00
Apple Mac mini MC408LL/A Snow Leopard Server Feature
- 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
- Dual 500GB Serial ATA Hard Drives, 4GB of Memory
- NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Graphics, Built-in AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi3 and Bluetooth 2.1
- Mini DVI to DVI Adapter, 5 USB 2.0 ports, 1 FireWire 800 port, Gigabit Ethernet
- Mac OS X Server Snow Leopard preinstalled
Apple Mac mini MC408LL/A Snow Leopard Server Overview
What is Mac mini with Snow Leopard Server? Exactly what you'd expect - a Mac mini specifically designed to be a server with Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server preinstalled. Instead of a SuperDrive, there are two 500GB hard drives that give you all the power and storage you need to help your group work more efficiently than ever.Mac mini with Snow Leopard Server is designed to help you communicate, collaborate, and share information. It's perfect for any small business or group - retail shops, doctor and law offices, classrooms, design studios - you name it. Now you can have your own server that supports email on Mac computers, PCs, and iPhone. Sync and share calendars and contact information. Access and swap files securely, and at lightning speed, between Mac computers and PCs. Easily create full-featured wikis and high-quality podcasts. And automatically back up all your important data. NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 256MB DDR3 Shared Video Memory Built-in AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit) Ethernet Audio - Built-in speaker, combined Optical Digital audio input/audio line in, combined optical digital audio output/headphone out Ports - 5 x USB 2.0, FireWire 800, mini-DVI output; VGA output (using Optional adapter); Mini DisplayPort Approximate Unit Dimensions - 2 (H) x 6.5 (W) x 6.5 (D) Approximate Unit Weight - 2.9 Pounds
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goods assessment - Webmail
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